Membership includes musicologists, instrument makers and performers. The Society assembles and disseminates information, and organises events designed to bring the baryton to a wider audience. Baryton Congresses The Society has organised three international conferences, held in London and Austria. In 1998, they organised a series of concerts and a conference at the palaces of Eisenstadt and Esterhàza, using the very rooms in which Haydn would have heard his baryton music performed by Prince Nicholas Esterhàzy. Society Publications Index of 20th Century Baryton Music by Jeremy Brooker Additional volumes covering the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries repertoires are in preparation. Discography of recordings featuring the baryton by Terry Pamplin The Society also encourages the publication of original works for baryton. Haydn's 'Deutschlands Klage', with a specially composed baryton obligato by distinguished English musicologist Peter Holman, has already been published by Corda Music. A new edition by Jeremy Brooker of all Haydn's surviving music for two barytons is in preparation. For further information contact
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