Performance highlights
Burgenländische Haydenfestspiele Eisenstadt
Eszterházy Palace, Fertöd-Schloss Eszterháza
The Netherlands
Gertrudiskapel, Utrecht
(with Jaap ter Linden, cello)
Live TV broadcast for VPRO
'Reziger in Muziek'
National radio broadcast
'De baryton: konig der instrumenten'
Konzervatórium v Bratislave
Kammerkonzert anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags von Alfred Lessing, Düsseldorf
Great Britain
Early Music Centre
Sutton House, London
Leamington Haydn Festival
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall
Classic FM (Margaret Howard)

Reviews and testimonials
English mastery coupled with
American flair
Telegraaf, Utrecht
A very good concert,
beautifully played and sung
Poppy Holden
Sutton House Music Society
Truly instructive music-making. Christopher Wellington
Royal College of Music
It was lovely to see such an appreciative (and numerous) audience, and it was evident from their feedback afterwards that the concert was a huge success. Ramsgate Spring Festival
The workshop was most informative and opened up a whole new area of music history and organology to an enthusiastic and appreciative audience. The concert was excellent.
Dr Carol Gartrell
Principal Lecturer in Music and Education, Kingston University
The applause for these well-performed duets was ringing and sustained.
Symposium und Kammerkonzert, Düsseldorf

The Hauschka Ensemble
Named after the 19th century baryton virtuoso Vincenzo Hauschka, the Hauschka Ensemble has been amazing audiences for the last ten years. It specialises in the remarkable repertoire of works for self-accompanied baryton, from 17th century works in modified lute tablature through to contemporary works written especially for them.

The Hauschka Ensemble play Haydn's music for baryton duet

If you think occasions of experiencing that most wondrously complicated of all instruments the baryton are rare enough ­ you are offered the truly exceptional pleasure of two for the price of one.
Glyn Russel
Early Music News

The Hauschka Ensemble has presented its unique programme of baryton duets by Joseph Haydn in the UK and Europe to wide acclaim through concerts, radio and TV broadcasts and their recently issued CD Queer Fish.

Rare Birds

In collaboration with soprano Marie Vassiliou, The Hauschka Ensemble has also issued a CD called Rare Birds, featuring songs, concert arias and self-accompanied baryton solos from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

Home Page
International Baryton Society
Jeremy Brooker & other ensembles
Recordings by Jeremy Brooker
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